Registered Massage Therapy

Massage is perhaps THE most ancient technique for pain relief and physical care. Massage was likely the earliest tool used to relieve pain and bring about natural healing. Practiced in just about every culture, massage therapy involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to manage health conditions and enhance wellness.


Classical Chinese Medicine

Classical Chinese Medicine is an effective way to treat the “myriad diseases”. As primary form of treatment or a complement to other treatment, the ancient and amazing medical tools that Chinese medicine offers, attunes the individual to the natural cycles.

Diagnosis involves medical history, current concerns and symptoms, tongue observation, pulse reading, and palpation assessment. This approach allows for individualized treatment based on personalized diagnosis.


Medicine as a System

Along with Massage Therapy we use we use a host of adjunctive practices. Historically, adjunctive therapies were never separate from the classical approach to Chinese medicine. The combination of acupressure/ acupuncture, herbal medicine, medical massage (tui na) diet therapy (shi Llao), physical activity (qi gong), cupping, gua sha, moxibustion are what makes Chinese medicine the complete system that it is.

Acupuncture Duncan BC , Massage Duncan BC

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Chinese Medicine Duncan, Medical Massage, Consult


Not every one is clear on how traditional medicines can help them with current and modern health concerns. We are happy to connect by phone, text, in person, to answer any questions and evaluate how we can assist.